Autumn comes softly, almost imperceptibly ...

It creeps into the house with the slight smell of fallen leaves and the whisper of the wind outside the window. I wrap myself in a soft, warm blanket, listening to the silence spreading in the room. My tea is getting cold on the table next to me, but I take my time. There's something about this moment - elusive, like the breath of fall.

The cat comes silently, as always. His fur softly touches my feet, and then he's already snuggled up next to me with his whole body pressed against me. I run my hand over his back, and he responds with a lazy, deep purr, a sound that seems to weave itself into the silence around him. He looks at me with half-closed eyes, as if he knows something I don't. In these moments, I always feel like we share the same secret.

Sitting together pressed against each other, the fall stops being cold, the house fills with a warmth that warms from the inside out.

A cozy fall... 🍁 

British Longhair Blue Boy - little keeper of warmth and comfort are ready to move to the most loving families 💕

Hugs. Sincerity. Love ♡